Expert services

  • Areas of expertise:

    Equality between the sexes / Gender Equality

    Violence and harassment against women & girls

    Women’s rights

    Consultation and support in:

    Providing external expertise for projects, intra-organisation processes, social initiatives and campaigns

    Research-design, coordination and execution

    Publications and communication materials - content-planning, writing, professional proofreading

    Communication and CSR campaigns

    For companies/workplaces/CSOs

    For educational institutions

  • Areas of expertise:

    Equality between the sexes / Gender Equality

    Violence and harassment against women & girls

    Women’s rights

    Boundary-setting and -enforcement, assertive communication

    Presentations, lectures, interactive workshops and training, tailored to the particular interests and needs of the inviting organisation/participants.

  • Writing, editing, translating written content and publications.

    (Hungarian / English)

  • Assembling resource-packs and memos to provide background, overview, excerpts of key materials and lists of reference in areas of expertise (gender equality, women’s rights, violence and harassment against women and girls, social position of women in different realms) in order to facilitate easier orientation in the subject area and informed preparation.

...Is your community, organisation, company or workplace interested in the subject of equality between men and women?

...Would it be useful to gain a more in-depth understanding of gendered aspects in relation to a new project, activity, or campaign you are planning?

...Would you like to organise a workshop, lecture, or internal training?

…Are you considering a CSR campaign on the topic?

...Would you like to equip your community with an internal protocol, to have resources and processes in place if a colleague discloses harassment, or if you become aware that a team member is affected by violence?

Get in touch below or via e-mail, let me know about your needs and areas of interest, and let's work together!

Feedback - Consulting, training, workshop

Half-day training & workshop for a foundation planning to launch a funding programme for women’s initiatives

[Goal: Gaining an overview of areas of activity in women’s rights and the current donor- and organisational landscape; supporting the foundation in orienting themselves in this new area and identifying their priorities and approach to the planned programme.]

Cooperating with Noa was a great experience. We approached her to provide external expertise and consulting about our Foundation’s new Women’s programme.

How was it?

Tailored to our needs, sensitive, intelligent, responsible and cool.

(Chairman of the Board of Trustees)

2x3-hours internal training for the editorial team of an online magazine

[Goal: Developing an informed and responsible approach to writing materials involving the subject of violence/harassment against women and girls; learning about the key security considerations and ethics related to interviewing victims and survivors.]

“Thank you so much for your work! We learned a lot both from the content and the methodology of the workshops, and from the open discussion you facilitated within the team. We will certainly be able to use it in our daily work." (Editor-in-Chief)

5-hour workshop for the young staff of a popular bar

[Goal: Processing experiences related to guests not respecting boundaries and harassing staff members; devising strategies and action plans on how to deal with such situations in the future; developing solidarity between colleagues.]

"I really liked the whole thing, and I think we will benefit a lot from it. The points on ​​creating our own house rules were very useful, we continued thinking and talking about it after the workshop. We'll probably hang it up so we have something to refer to when we stand up for ourselves."

"I have gained a different perspective on many things, and I think I will be able to act much more assertively when I’m facing a problematic situation, or if I see someone else in the team facing this."

"What I liked the most was that we discussed the stories together as a team, and this gave me a very strong confirmation for the future, about daring to stand up for myself and not be insecure."

"It was important for me to receive feedback about my experiences, that others also confirmed that I had valid insights and feelings in these situations."


1.5-hour lecture and discussion in the Hungarian office of a multinational company (in English)

[Themes: Women’s situation in Hungary; Female employees' skills and opportunities to advocate for themselves in the workplace.]

"Thank you so much for the presentation! We learned a lot and it was important to all of us to discuss these topics. The magic of this occasion has been going on for days!" (Organiser)